Make a Donation in Memory of a Loved One

Honour the memory of a cherished loved one through the act of giving.

At the Thunder Bay Community Foundation, we understand that honouring a loved one is deeply personal. That’s why we’re here to support you every step of the way, providing empathy and a platform to commemorate their memory in a meaningful and enduring manner. Making a donation in memory of a loved one will help build our community’s well-being now and for the future.



You can choose to donate to our Community Fund, which will be used to support a variety of organizations in our community, or you can choose to donate to any of our established Funds from the drop-down menu below.


If you are interested in creating your own Fund, or a Fund in memory of a loved one, at the Thunder Bay Community Foundation and would like to learn more, please contact Athena Kreiner, CEO, at (807) 627-0512 or