Thunder Bay Symphony Orchestra (Donor Directed)$10,000.00
Underground Gym (Donor Directed) $10,000.00
Isthmus (Donor Directed)$2,500.00
Habitat for Humanity (2 anonymous donors)$130,000.00
Humane Society (anonymous donor)$5,000.00
Underground Gym (anonymous donor)$5,000.00
Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre (Donor Directed)$3,210.00
Salvation Army (Donor Directed)$5,000.00
Boys and Girls Club (Donor Directed)$2,813.06
Our Kids Count (Donor Directed)$2,813.06
Teen Challenge (Donor Directed)$2,500.00
Arthur Widnall (Donor Directed)$20,000.00
Thunder Bay Youth Symphony Orchestra (Donor Directed)$19,800.00
Thunder Bay Public Library$6,400.00
St. Andrew's Soup Kitchen$8,324.40
Roots to Harvest$2,200.00
St. Thomas Church Family Giving Centre$4,500.00
Schreiber Public Library$8,000.00
Community Arts & Heritage Education Project$3,614.00
Thunder Bay Symphony Orchestra$11,419.76
Thunder Bay Symphony Orchestra$1,350.00
Nature Conservatory of Canada$7,500.00
Lakehead Social Planning Council$10,000.00
St. John Ambulance$4,000.00
Thunder Bay Emergency Shelter Inc.$7,900.00
Thunder Bay Symphony Orchestra$5,000.00
Friends of the Finnish Labour Temple$15,000.00
Thunder Bay Art Gallery$9,500.00
Magnus Theatre$6,300.00
Magnus Theatre$2,987.29
Lakehead University$3,350.00
Camp Quality Canada$5,000.00
United Way of Thunder Bay$14,400.00
Cambrian Players$2,542.87
Community Arts & Heritage Education Project$4,400.00
St. John Ambulance$5,000.00
Humane Society$10,000.00
Magnus Theatre$10,000.00
Humane Society$3,500.00
Hospice Northwest$5,000.00
Northwind Family Ministries$25,000.00
Boys & Girls Club$15,228.00
Precious Bundles$5,600.00
Children's Centre Foundation$14,436.00
Hospice Northwest$7,300.00
Community Clothing Assistance$8,200.00
Lakehead University$5,000.00
The Kidney Foundation$2,000.00
Elizabeth Fry Society$5,000.00
Grace Ministries$6,260.00
Boys & Girls Club$3,105.00
United Way of Thunder Bay$8,325.00
St. John Ambulance$4,500.00
Thunder Bay Emergency Shelter Inc.$5,400.00
Northern Nishnawbe Education Council$10,000.00
St. Andrew Soup Kitchen Inc.$8,064.00
Grace Ministries of Thunder Bay$5,686.02
Hospice Northwest$2,000.00
Our Kids Count of Thunder Bay Inc.$10,000.00
Thunder Bay Symphony Orchestra$12,000.00
Camp Quality Canada$6,000.00
Thunder Bay Public Library$6,000.00
Nature Conservancy of Canada$5,635.00
St. Andrew Soup Kitchen Inc.$9,500.40
Lakehead University$7,864.00
Our Kids Count of Thunder Bay Inc.$5,000.00
Boys & Girls Clubs of Thunder Bay$8,207.00
Elizabeth Fry Society of Northwestern Ontario$10,000.00
Hospice Northwest$5,000.00
United Way of Thunder Bay$4,400.00
Lakehead University$2,500.00
Hospice Northwest$4,000.00
The Eleanor Drury Children's Theatre$6,465.00
Lakehead University$6,920.00
Friends of the Finnish Labour Temple$20,000.00
Confederation College$7,046.00
Lakehead University$10,058.00
Hospice Northwest$10,000.00
PRO Kids (Positive Recreation Opportunities for Kids)$4,700.00
Save Our Songbirds$4,666.11
St. John Ambulance$5,000.00
Community Arts & Heritage Education Project$2,450.00
Friends of Grain Elevators$800.00
Canadian Lighthouses of Lake Superior$5,800.00
Caring Hearts Cat Rescue & Sanctuary$3,000.00
St. John Ambulance$5,000.00
Thunder Bay & District Humane Society$10,000.00
St. Andrew Soup Kitchen Inc.$5,040.00
Northwestern Ontario Women's Centre$2,292.00
Catholic Family Development Centre (Thunder Bay)$5,000.00
Precious Bundles Children's Clothing Assistance Program$2,500.00
Roots to Harvest$12,000.00
Community Clothing Assistance$11,250.00
Evergreen a United Neighbourhood$3,750.00
Thunder Bay Youth Symphony Orchestra$19,617.00
PRO Kids$4,565.25
Roots to Harvest$4,565.25
Boys & Girls Club$5,000.00
Our Kids Count$5,000.00
Boys & Girls Club$3,235.00
Northern Reach Dog Animal Rescue Network$2,629.84
Our Kids Count$2,629.84
Boys & Girls Club$2,629.84
Boys & Girls Club$3,600.00
Shelter House$3,600.00
Thunder Bay & District Humane Society$5,000.00
Our Kids Count$3,326.50
Camp Quality$3,326.50
Hospice Northwest$10,000.00
Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre (Urology)$2,500.00
Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre (Cardiology)$2,500.00
St. Joe's Foundation (Hospice)$2,500.00
Thunder Bay Museum$1,500.00
Our Kids Count$1,000.00
Kitty Kare$1,000.00
Northern Reach Dog Animal Rescue Network$1,000.00
Lakehead University Alumni Association$3,000.00
Organization NameGranting FundProgram NameAmount
St. Andrew Soup KitchenDanny Clara Legacy FundMeal Enhancement Program$13,440.00
United Way of Thunder BayDanny Clara Legacy FundDiverse Voices of Thunder Bay - Strength Based Storytelling$4,000.00
Thunder Bay Symphony OrchestraDanny Clara Legacy FundThe Spirit Horse Returns Project$5,000.00
Lakehead UniversityDanny Clara Legacy FundCQ For Non-Profit Professionals$7,425.00
March of Dimes CanadaDanny Clara Legacy FundAfter Stroke: Bringing Health and Well-Being to Stroke Survivors$5,000.00
Confederation CollegeDanny Clara Legacy FundTalkCampus: Student Mental Health Support$9,500.00
Hospice NorthwestDonny Ritza FundGrief and Bereavement Conference$4,200.00
Lakehead UniversityDr. R.K Dewar Medical Research FundMarketing and Communications Strategy for Ensuring the Success of C2UExpo 2023$5,800.00
Canadian National Institute for the BlindDr. S. Penny Petrone FundCNIB Accessible Art for People with Sight Loss$3,700.00
The Eleanor Drury Children's TheatreHannah & Victor Stevenson Fund for Education & Arts DevelopmentThe "Best" of Friends – a community-engaged script-writing and performance project$8,969.00
Thunder Bay Art GalleryHannah & Victor Stevenson Fund for Education & Arts DevelopmentBussing Program for Students$7,500.00
Community Arts & Heritage Education ProjectOntario Endowment for Children & Youth in Recreation GrantsGetting Creative: Multidisciplinary Arts-Education at the Boys and Girls Clubs$5,337.00
Hospice NorthwestOntario Endowment for Children & Youth in Recreation GrantsFamily HUUG Days$4,763.00
Confederation CollegeRuth Black FundPRIDE - Mental Health Workshops$6,000.00
St. John AmbulanceKeri Chase Memorial Animal Welfare FundProviding Care & Compassion with our Therapy Dog Unit$4,500.00
Thunder Bay & District Humane SocietyKeri Chase Memorial Animal Welfare FundSubsidized Spay/Neuter Program$1,200.00
Our Kids CountJames & Shirley Symington Family FundMental Health Matters$7,000.00
Boys & Girls Club of Thunder BayJames & Shirley Symington Family FundInflatable Fun$9,400.00
Thunder Bay Symphony OrchestraThunder Bay Community Foundation 'Community Fund'Noondaagotoon 2023$12,000.00
PRO KidsThunder Bay Community Foundation 'Community Fund'PRO Kids Outreach and Engagement$4,873.00
George Jeffrey Children's FoundationThunder Bay Community Foundation 'Community Fund'Leckey Totstander$2,745.36
Grace Ministries of Thunder BayThunder Bay Community Foundation 'Community Fund'Two Door Cooler Purchase - Out of the Cold Program$5,917.27
Roots Community Food CentreThunder Bay Community Foundation 'Community Fund'Gathering Tables: Age Friendly Supports and Safety$3,050.00
St. Thomas Church Family Giving CentreThunder Bay Community Foundation 'Community Fund'Grub Tub Program$7,000.00
St. Andrew Soup KitchenThunder Bay Community Foundation 'Community Fund'Essentials for Seniors$9,750.00
Our Kids CountThunder Bay Community Foundation 'Community Fund'Home Visiting Program$7,280.00
St. John AmbulanceThunder Bay Community Foundation 'Community Fund'Engaging our Youth with Camp 911: First Responders Summer Camp$5,000.00
United Way of Thunder BayThunder Bay Community Foundation 'Community Fund'Empower the North - Public Launch and Network Recruitment$5,700.00
Society of Saint Vincent de Paul Corpus Christi ConferenceThunder Bay Community Foundation 'Community Fund'School Food Program$10,000.00
Precious Bundles Children's Clothing Assistance ProgramThunder Bay Community Foundation 'Community Fund'Fill the Shelves!$6,000.00
Thunder Bay Art GalleryThunder Bay Community Foundation 'Community Fund'Secondary School Art Exhibition$3,000.00
Thunder Bay Symphony Youth OrchestraMargaret & Arnold Westlake Endowment for the Arts$15,000.00
Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences CentreMNP Fund$5,000.00
PRO KidsMNP Fund$10,000.00
Lakehead UniversityMNP Fund$2,000.00
University of British ColumbiaJP Hudolin Family Fund$5,000.00
Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences CentreKelly & George Badanai Family Fund$2,000.00
Boys & Girls Club of Thunder BayKelly & George Badanai Family Fund$1,000.00
Boys & Girls Club of Thunder BayJackie & Ernie Dojack Family Fund$2,000.00
Shelter HouseChristopher Jean Memorial Fund$2,270.00
Boys & Girls Club of Thunder BayChristopher Jean Memorial Fund$2,270.00
Confederation CollegeShirley & Emilio Rigato Family Fund$5,000.00
Hospice NorthwestShirley H. & Meredith O. Nelson Fund$5,000.00
Underground Gym & Youth CentreShirley H. & Meredith O. Nelson Fund$5,000.00
University of TorontoDavid Legge & Shelley Crawford Fund$1,000.00
Thunder Bay Symphony OrchestraDavid Legge & Shelley Crawford Fund$7,500.00
Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences CentreDavid Legge & Shelley Crawford Fund$1,000.00
Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences CentreDavid Legge & Shelley Crawford Fund$1,000.00
Thunder Bay Art GalleryDavid Legge & Shelley Crawford Fund$5,000.00
Thunder Bay Art GalleryDavid Legge & Shelley Crawford Fund$6,000.00
Thunder Bay Field NaturalistsDavid Legge & Shelley Crawford Fund$2,000.00
Boys & Girls Club of Thunder BayBonnie Moore & Jay Eingold Fund$1,000.00
Thunder Bay & District Humane SocietyMargaret & Ed Ayer Animal Welfare Fund$1,957.00
Boys & Girls ClubMargaret & Ed Ayer Boys & Club Fund and OKC Fund$1,622.00
Our Kids CountMargaret & Ed Ayer Boys & Club Fund and OKC Fund$1,622.00
Organization NameGranting FundProgram NameAmount
Hospice NorthwestDonny Ritza FundClient Self Care Kits$2,000.00
Confederation CollegeDr. R.K. Dewar Medical Research FundRegional Student Mental Health Crisis Response$12,500.00
Hospice NorthwestDr. R.K. Dewar Medical Research FundMaster Class - 6 Week Book Study$2,700.00
Hospice NorthwestDr. R.K. Dewar Medical Research FundEducating Primary Care Physicians about HNW Palliative Care Support$3,500.00
Hospice NorthwestDr. R.K. Dewar Medical Research FundBereaved Parents Hearts and Hope Grief and Bereavement Support Groups$2,900.00
Lakehead UniversityDr. R.K. Dewar Medical Research FundThrive Packs$5,000.00
NorthWind Family MinistriesDr. R.K. Dewar Medical Research FundNextSteps$5,000.00
Canadian National Institute for the BlindDr. S. Penny Petrone FundThe CNIB Dream Weaver Arts Project$3,500.00
Canadian National Institute for the BlindHanna & Victor Stevenson Fund for Education & Arts DevelopmentCNIB Thunder Bay Expansion Project$25,000.00
Community Arts & Heritage Education ProjectHanna & Victor Stevenson Fund for Education & Arts DevelopmentArtful Adventures$5,936.80
Magnus TheatreHanna & Victor Stevenson Fund for Education & Arts DevelopmentClimate Change Project$10,000.00
St. Andrew Soup KitchenHanna & Victor Stevenson Fund for Education & Arts DevelopmentExtras for Seniors 2024$6,988.90
St. John AmbulanceHanna & Victor Stevenson Fund for Education & Arts DevelopmentMedical First Responders$2,500.00
Eleanor Drury Children's TheatreHanna & Victor Stevenson Fund for Education & Arts Development"If I could, I Would..." Project$10,495.00
United for Literacy Thunder BayHanna & Victor Stevenson Fund for Education & Arts DevelopmentChampioning Literacy in Thunder Bay$6,000.00
Thunder Bay Drug Awareness CommitteeJohn Rafferty Memorial FundUpcycle for Change: Art as a Path to Recovery and Understanding$2,000.00
St. Andrew Soup KitchenJohn Rafferty Memorial FundCommon Good Food Gardens$2,000.00
Roots Community Food CentreJohn Rafferty Memorial FundID Advocacy$2,000.00
Elizabeth Fry Society of Northwestern OntarioJohn Rafferty Memorial FundManifesting Movement: Creativity & Movement as a Lens for Trauma-informed Care$2,000.00
Canadian National Institute for the BlindJohn Rafferty Memorial FundThe CNIB Dream Weaver Arts Project - Exhibition Component$2,000.00
St. John AmbulanceMargaret & Ed Ayer Animal Welfare FundProviding Care & Compassion with our Therapy Dog Unit$2,500.00
Boys & Girls Clubs of Thunder BayOntario Endowment for Children & Youth in Recreation GrantsTechnology Upgrade$8,130.00
Community Arts & Heritage Education ProjectOntario Endowment for Children & Youth in Recreation GrantsArts in Action$6,418.80
Lakehead UniversityOntario Endowment for Children & Youth in Recreation GrantsBIPOC Outdoor Adventures$5,500.00
PRO KIDSOntario Endowment for Children & Youth in Recreation GrantsGymnastics for PRO Kids$4,000.00
Confederation CollegeThunder Bay Community Foundation's Community FundOutdoor Indigenous Classroom Project$15,000.00
George Jeffrey Children's FoundationThunder Bay Community Foundation's Community FundCrocodile Walker$3,280.50
Northern Nishnawbe Education CouncilThunder Bay Community Foundation's Community FundWake the Giant$15,000.00
Thunder Bay Public LibraryThunder Bay Community Foundation's Community FundEarly Literacy Engagement$11,250.00
Thunder Bay Symphony OrchestraThunder Bay Community Foundation's Community FundNoondaagotoon 2024$12,000.00
Boys & Girls Clubs of Thunder BayBonnie Moore & Jay Eingold FundTechnology Update$2,000.00
Confederation CollegeBonnie Moore & Jay Eingold FundBonnie Moore and Blanche Swalwell Culinary Bursary$1,000.00
The John Howard Society Jackie & Ernie Dojack Family Fund$2,500.00
Regional Food Distribution AssociationJackie & Ernie Dojack Family Fund$5,000.00
Magnus TheatreDavid Legge & Shelley Crawford Fund$500.00
Salvation ArmyDavid Legge & Shelley Crawford Fund$250.00
Thunder Bay Art GalleryDavid Legge & Shelley Crawford FundAWE Capital Campaign$10,000.00
4. Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences CentreDavid Legge & Shelley Crawford Fund$1,000.00
United Way of Thunder BayDavid Legge & Shelley Crawford Fund$200.00
Our Kids CountJames & Shirley Symington Family FundCamping Trip for Families$7,000.00
Boys & Girls Clubs of Thunder BayRFL FundTechnology Upgrade$2,000.00
Boys & Girls Clubs of Thunder BayMeredith/Karam Family FundRecDesk Software Program$7,155.00
Isthmus Thunder BayShirley H. & Meredith O. Nelson Fund$2,000.00
Boys & Girls Clubs of Thunder BayChristopher Jean Memorial Fund$3,000.00
Shelter HouseChristopher Jean Memorial Fund$3,000.00